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meraki: to do something with soul, creativity, and love; to put something of yourself in your work

Make a Difference

At Sweet Meraki Co., we believe that one person can make a huge difference in the world. That's why we've created a shop for cause line of clothing. A portion of the proceeds from these items goes to support research in specific causes. We design each piece with the hope that it will not only make you feel confident and comfortable, but also inspire conversations about important issues. Our commitment to spreading awareness about what is happening in the world is at the heart of everything we do.

Explore the Collection

At Sweet Meraki Co., we believe in spreading positivity, light and love into the world through our merch. Our clothing is meant to inspire and influence individuals to be their best selves and live life with a purpose. Our message is inspired by our faith and our belief in God's love for us and for all of humanity. With each purchase, you’re not just buying an article of clothing, you’re becoming a part of a movement that stands for something greater than just fashion.

Shopping for a Cause <3

Thanks for submitting!

Email us with any charities, research, or causes you want us to create products for and donate to in our "Shop for a Cause" line

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